The Metalocalypse Wiki
The Metalocalypse Wiki

Episode Title??[]

Personally, I think this particular episode article should be renamed to its much more concise working title, "Fatklok." That's the title Brendon went with for the DVD menu. Also, spelling the title of this episode as "Detharmonic" when the song it's directly referring to is officially spelled as "Dethharmonic" on the album is an annoying inconsistency, which is why I had renamed it in the first place.

I honestly do not consider a 100% reliable source for spelling/titles or canon info since they can't even spell Metalocalypse correctly half the time. True story. :P And I've seen all kinds of wrong info on Amazon. I'm just saying when in doubt I go with Brendon's version. Can't argue with The Creator. Domorrigan (talk) 01:12, June 18, 2014 (UTC)

Yea I agree that the page should just be renamed to Fatklok (both for ease of consistency and avoiding a long episode title), but the spelling for the alternative should remain as Detharmonic because regardless if Amazon or Adult Swim have had errors in the past they're still reliable, and that spelling is the most prominent throughout the internet (, IGN, TV guide), even if it does make more sense to spell it like how the song is spelled. TheDethklokGuy (talk) 01:32, June 18, 2014 (UTC)
We are in agreement once again, DethklokGuy. The spelling inconsistencies are frustrating, but this is the best call. ::nod:: Domorrigan (talk) 03:03, June 18, 2014 (UTC)